Virginia Likely Voters
Would you say that you strongly support <candidate> somewhat support <candidate>, or do you think that you might vote differently on primary day?
Strongly support Somewhat support Might vote differently Unsure
Row % Row % Row % Row %
Virginia Likely Voters 42% 40% 17% 2%
Party Identification** Republican 42% 40% 16% 2%
Independent 40% 41% 17% 2%
Tea Party Supporters 46% 37% 15% 2%
Intensity of Tea Party Support Strongly support Tea Party 49% 34% 14% 3%
Support Tea Party 44% 39% 16% 1%
Does not support Tea Party 39% 42% 18% 1%
Political Ideology Liberal-Moderate 40% 45% 13% 2%
Conservative 40% 40% 18% 2%
Very conservative 49% 30% 19% 2%
Political Ideology Liberal-Moderate 40% 45% 13% 2%
Conservative-Very conservative 43% 37% 18% 2%
Past Participation*** Yes 42% 40% 17% 2%
No 43% 38% 17% 2%
Republican Candidates Mitt Romney 43% 39% 17% 2%
Ron Paul 37% 44% 17% 1%
Most Important Quality Shares your values 34% 42% 22% 3%
Is closest to you on the issues 40% 40% 19% 1%
Can beat President Obama in 2012 53% 34% 11% 2%
Has the experience to govern 32% 50% 15% 3%
Gender Men 42% 42% 14% 1%
Women 42% 37% 19% 2%
Age Under 45 30% 52% 17% 1%
45 or older 48% 33% 17% 2%
Region D.C. Suburbs 44% 44% 10% 2%
Northern Virgina Exurbs 35% 39% 24% 2%
Central/West 36% 41% 22% 1%
Richmond/East 48% 36% 13% 2%
Tidewater 43% 40% 14% 2%
Household Income Less than $75,000 41% 38% 20% 1%
$75,000 or more 41% 44% 14% 1%
Evangelical Christians 39% 42% 18% 1%
Mormons are Christians Yes 46% 40% 12% 2%
No-Unsure 36% 40% 22% 1%
Education Not college graduate 40% 38% 21% 2%
College graduate 44% 42% 13% 1%
Interview Type Landline 44% 38% 16% 2%
Cell Phone 35% 46% 18% 1%
NBC News/Marist Poll Virginia Likely Republican Primary Voters. Interviews conducted February 29th through March 2nd, 2012, N=529 MOE +/- 4.3 percentage points. Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding.
**There are too few Democrats for analysis purposes
***Past participation refers to previous participation in a Virginia Republican Presidential Primary.